Stamp Out Smoking with Hypnosis
What is your reason?
You are stressed.
You picked up a cigarette when you were in high school and never stopped.
The patch, the pills, or the gum just does not work for you.
Or something else related to the fact that you have tried to put cigarettes down but it just never happens.
Our Hypnosis Therapy has a 97% success rate in 1 session. This session lasts for about2 hours and is led by our owner, Penny Rea. She will help reprogram your mindset about smoking. “ I have been smoke-free for over 15 years now after just one session with Penny Rea. Not only am I healthier, but I feel so proud of myself for this accomplishment since I was a smoker for over 50 years.” - Charlotte.
Like Charlotte, you TOO can be smoke free for 15+ years. It just takes one step of faith to do something that will prolong your life. Make an appointment today via social media, phone, or our website. It will save your life.